Lundberg Tech: Central Vacuum Waste Handling System


Lundberg Tech: Central Vacuum Waste Handling System

Lundberg Tech has with success designed and installed central vacuum waste handling systems for more than 30 years. Central vacuum waste handling system from Lundberg Tech is able to cover a unlimited number of machines and covering all aspect, from capturing the waste in the process machine to deliver the waste compacted in a designated collection unit, as well as returning cleaned air into the factory building used for transporting the waste.

The Lundberg Tech list of references is impressive in terms of numbers, geography and customers.


  • CAPTURING the waste as near to the place in the process line where it is created, enables faster production speed, less down time and removes dust from the production environment.
  • CUTTING the waste by the unique and reliable Lundberg Tech granulator gives the vacuum waste handling system high added value by reducing the volume of the waste and the ability to be transported over long distances.
  • COLLECTING the waste in a sack or container inside or outside gives flexibility in the customer possibilities in a clean waste handling process and easy disposal.
  • COMPACTING waste by the Lundberg Tech WasteCompactor or is into a container reduce space for waste and cost for disposal.


Supplier: Lundberg Tech (check website)

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